Wednesday, 25 December 2024

I’ve had a lovely Christmas

 Oh wow I’m spaced out! My lovely friend Jooles gave me a parcel of yellow tissue paper which had a little cushion in and it was full of cat nip!!!!! I got dreamies and toys too!

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Merry Christmas everyone!

 Merry Christmas everyone. I've had a great year my teeth are better and my joints don't hurt any more - Every month I go to the vets and they feed me dreamies and then my joints don't hurt any more! 

(Cat parent here - while he's high on dreamies he also gets a solencia injection for his joints - but sushhhh let him think it's the Dreamies!!!!)

If you want to follow my mummy's page click here!

I Can eat Dreamies!!! My teeth don't hurt any more!

 I was worried but now my teeth don't hurt any more I can eat and eat and eat!